Lost Rapper Teams:
Plain Brown Rapper

In NUT 28 we asked the question, “Whatever happened to...” Keith Lascelles of Men of Sweyn's Ey (that's Swansea) wrote to say...

Plain Brown Rapper was formed in the early 1980's as an offshoot of Cardiff Morris Men, and included a couple of guys who had migrated from Swansea to Cardiff, and still wished to dance rapper. They danced for three to four years. I've just spoken to one of the guys; he is no longer an active dancer and is ill at the moment, but promised to try to dig out a bit more information when better. So bear with us for a week or two.

We also have nine Tyzack rapper swords – three rivets in the handle. I didn't know they were rare! Sweyn's Ey started dancing rapper in 1966, and I'm certain they were what we used when I joined the side in 1971. I’ll send you some information about The Men of Sweyn’s Ey.