A Rapper Glossary: part II
An occasional series which sets out to compare and contrast the nomenclature (Whew!)of rapper
The chorus figure Fiddler (Kingsmen) is called Coach and Horses in Sallyport, while Coach and Horses in Kingsmen is a different figure (Waterfall presentation after Choker). Kingsmen dance a figure called Sallyport (because it always goes wrong) in the Byker Buildings dance after pinching it from Jack the Rapper who in turn purloined it from Stevenage, except it is actually called Horseshoes, the Stevenage Sallyport figure being completely different. This is a good modern day example of how it all gets confused. Kingsmen also dance Double and Single (variation on Single Guard with 1, 3 and 5 going out twice) and Single and Double which is a variation on Mary Ann (1 and 5 go out alone first time round), and of course Mary Ann has a few versions in circulation.